Black Hat Workshop
Gain a competitive edge with a Black Hat Workshop. Our experienced team will help you think like your competition, expose your team's strengths and weaknesses, and identify key opportunities for success. With our support, you can develop a winning strategy that sets you apart from your competitors and positions your business for long-term growth.
Using an external facilitator for your pre-solicitation competitive analysis can bring an objective perspective to your workshop, helping you identify blind spots and areas for improvement in your bidding strategies. Our experience working with a variety of clients and industries can be valuable in helping you understand different types of competitors and bidding scenarios.
…you understand the market, the contract in question, the customer and the likely competitors, but would benefit from a structured approach to bring all that together and identify the ‘so what?’ conclusions.
…you know the market but need a better understanding of the competitive environment for the contract in question and how to position yourself within it.
…you need all that was in Prime, plus a set of compelling artefacts to support corporate bid / no bid decision gates.
An experienced facilitator providing a rigorous and impartial analysis of your competitors’ likely strategies and how they may be countered.
As for Prime, plus a written report and supporting presentation.
All Prime outputs
Slide deck from facilitated session
Competitive analysis report
Subject to delivery criteria and dependenciesTo find out more contact us.